目前分類:New York Diary (28)

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今天打開信箱,發現接到Facebook加入群組的邀請通知。我被邀請加入的群組就叫〔STELLA〕,而邀請我的組長叫Stella Heine。 Ms. Heine邀請在Facebook有帳號,且有Stella這個first name的人加入群組。


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那天在Rockefeller Center看到了75週年紀念版。記得Wendy阿姨跟我提過,這本食譜很受歡迎,會時時修正、再版。我手邊有一本,是當時美國市面上最新的版本。現在又有更新的紀念版本了!

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Anson因為簽證問題而不能跟Peter一起來New York玩。上圖就是Stella烤給她哥Peter的蛋糕。

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Ally, Stella, and Hsiao-Chi at Athena's place in West Village

Not until the time I had brunch with Ally in a restaurant in Upper West Side did I realize that the host of the party is actually Athena, who lives in West Village.

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Ally sent me an instant message in the early morning to inform me that there will be a private Mid-Autumn Festival Party in West Village this Saturday.  The number of the guests attending this party is rather small.  Only twelve people will be there, the host and myself included.

I always appreciate Ally’s great effort to drag me to some places to have fun with people.  She is really patient with me, who is not that much socialized in the city.  I am definitely not a gregarious person, yet I do enjoy spending time sitting on a bench in Central Park watching people passing by.

I have had some great time with Ally since she came here from San Francisco last summer.  I look forward to her private party.


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