第一次在UCSD的Perlman Medical Office,La Jolla院區產檢時,看診的是我的助產士(Midwife)。助產士俱有Nurse Practitioner的資格,不同於一般護士。當時她有推薦兩個課程給我:
Childbirth Preparation
- 4 Class Series
Date and Time: Thursdays, 6 to 8 p.m. 4-class series starts on first Thursday of January, March, May, July, September, and November.
Location: UC San Diego, Scripps Ranch Medical Office, Suite 200
Pre-Registration: Mandatory. To enroll, call 800-926-8273.
Fee: $70 per couple
Overview: This is a series of four 2-hour classes addressing fetal development, body changes, the labor process, labor coping skills, breathing and relaxation techniques, labor review, OB procedures, cesarean birth and postpartum care. Includes information on delivering in both the Birth Center and Labor & Delivery Unit. course book included.
Location: UC San Diego, Scripps Ranch Medical Office, Suite 200
Pre-Registration: Mandatory. To enroll, call 800-926-8273.
Fee: $70 per couple
Overview: This is a series of four 2-hour classes addressing fetal development, body changes, the labor process, labor coping skills, breathing and relaxation techniques, labor review, OB procedures, cesarean birth and postpartum care. Includes information on delivering in both the Birth Center and Labor & Delivery Unit. course book included.
- One Day Saturday (6 hrs)
Dates: 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Nov. 19, Dec. 3 or 17,
Jan. 21 or 28, Feb. 18 or 25, March 17 or 24, April 21 or 28, May 19 or
26, June 23 or 30
Location: Thornton Hospital, SDG&E Room, third floor
Pre-Registration: Mandatory. To enroll, call 800-926-8273.
Fee: $70 for the mother plus one adult
Overview: This is a six-hour class offered on a Saturday that addresses fetal development, body changes, the labor process, labor coping skills, breathing and relaxation techniques, OB procedures, cesarean birth and postpartum care. Includes information on delivering in both the Birth Center and Labor & Delivery Unit. Course book included. The class offers a lunch break. We recommend you bring your lunch because the cafeteria line can be long.
Location: Thornton Hospital, SDG&E Room, third floor
Pre-Registration: Mandatory. To enroll, call 800-926-8273.
Fee: $70 for the mother plus one adult
Overview: This is a six-hour class offered on a Saturday that addresses fetal development, body changes, the labor process, labor coping skills, breathing and relaxation techniques, OB procedures, cesarean birth and postpartum care. Includes information on delivering in both the Birth Center and Labor & Delivery Unit. Course book included. The class offers a lunch break. We recommend you bring your lunch because the cafeteria line can be long.
Breastfeeding Class
- Dates, Times and Locations:
- *First Wednesday of each month, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at UC San Diego, Hillcrest, third floor classroom (no April or July class)
- *Fourth Saturday every month, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at UC San Diego, Hillcrest, third floor classroom #3-310, South Wing Tower (no November or December class)
- *Third Tuesday every month, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Thornton Hospital, SDG&E Room, third floor
- Pre-Registration: Mandatory. To enroll, call 800-926-8273.
- Fee: $30 per couple
- Overview: A one-time class that discusses the benefits of breastfeeding, basic techniques, nutrition and common problems.
兩個課程總共 $100 USD,算是很合理的價格。如果對其他教學醫院提供的產前課程有興趣,請參考UCSD網頁,內有更多的選擇與更詳細的資訊:<其他生產、產前相關課程請點這裡>
UCSD的各項課程都很受歡迎,早點打電話預約比較可能選到最適合自己的時間與地點。我住在學校附近,所以Thornton Hospital(就在Perlman Medical Office旁邊那棟大樓,兩棟大樓可以經由室內的walk-way互通)對我而言是比較好的地點;對住在接近downtown的人而言,UC San Diego, Hill Crest應該會是比較方便的選擇,坐公車可以到。另外,這些課程似乎只開放給在醫院看診的孕婦,打電話時請準備好平常在UCSD掛號時用的Medical Record Number,還有Credit Card或者Debit Card,因為需要馬上付款。