Edward Albee

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Martha and Bobby at Hershey's Chocolate, Time Squares

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Ally, Stella, and Hsiao-Chi at Athena's place in West Village

Not until the time I had brunch with Ally in a restaurant in Upper West Side did I realize that the host of the party is actually Athena, who lives in West Village.

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Ally sent me an instant message in the early morning to inform me that there will be a private Mid-Autumn Festival Party in West Village this Saturday.  The number of the guests attending this party is rather small.  Only twelve people will be there, the host and myself included.

I always appreciate Ally’s great effort to drag me to some places to have fun with people.  She is really patient with me, who is not that much socialized in the city.  I am definitely not a gregarious person, yet I do enjoy spending time sitting on a bench in Central Park watching people passing by.

I have had some great time with Ally since she came here from San Francisco last summer.  I look forward to her private party.


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這是星期天在Washington Sq. Park錄的街頭藝人表演。看過不同形式的表演:唱歌、唸獨白、特技等等。但就是沒看過呼拉圈表演。那個周日真是開了眼界。

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